Thursday, March 05, 2009

Far Left

I recently received three cease and desist letters from the IRIAA, basically the web sheriff of record labels They have increased their crackdown on bloggers by getting Google, parent company of blogger, to remove posts that feature the link with zshare. I don’t have a problem with them going after people posting copyrighted music. They believe that it will stop the flow of illegal downloading and more power to them. The RIAA just happen to be three years late. The problem I have is when they take down my mixes. Something that I worked hard on, it may not seem like that but I end up putting about 6 hours into each mix. The last one that I made I redid three times. I am not the next Danny Rampling or Armand Van Helden but I take time to try and make two mixes for the blog each month. The first one is mainly just the tracks that I have been enjoying over the past month. The second are the dancey remixes that I am renowned for (not making them but having an encyclopaedic knowledge of them). So as a slight fuck you to the RIAA, let me tell you about the future of music for those of you that may feel some guilt in not buying your music. Or if you don’t know how to use the interweb. You should download a program called Spotify. A Swedish program that you can download and it streams music. It has a rather large selection and it is very easy to get lost and find forgotten classics. The only drawback I can find are the adverts that appears every couple of songs but that is small potatoes. Especially considering that this is a valid, free and legal alternative to illegal downloading.

1 comment:

Danny Danials said...

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