Monday, July 27, 2009

Major Lazer Monday

It’s Major Lazer Monday. I wish all days could be like this filled with music made from a commando with a lazer on one of his arms. Either way here are two mixes, one is the essential mix and the other from the Mishka mix series. I guessing that since both of them are very busy and that Diplo pulled double duty with his pitchfork and essential mix (both came out within two weeks of each other) I assume the mixes are very similar.

With that said, Major Lazer produced one of the albums of the summer. An album that is rich and diverse with huge pop songs and jarring political anthems. An album that really came out of nowhere on this musical landscape, a record that was a result of a holiday and was definitely not something that came out of chilling at the beach.

The mishka mix is here.

The essential mix is here.

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